
MLEKOVITA from the MTP Group Grand Prix


Mlekovita wins several gold awards at the POLAGRA fair and the most important distinction - the Grand Prix of the MTP Group!

The MLEKOVITA Dairy Cooperative entered the competition for the MTP Group Gold Medal with its latest products, which were appreciated by the competition jury, but one of the awarded products also turned out to be a triple winner of the competition!

Bialski cheese from the Krzna Valley, Bialski cheese with holes from the Krzna Valley, in addition to the title of winner of the Gold Medal, also won in the consumer plebiscite, taking the main prize - Consumer Choice Gold Medal, but also received a special distinction - MTP Group Grand Prix - awarded to the best products from all the awarded products .


Let's hear what Dariusz Sapiński, President of the Management Board of Spółdzielnia Mleczarska MLEKOVITA - winner of these prestigious awards, says about the awarded products, but also about the current situation in the industry and plans for the future.